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Secret Agent Download] [key]

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

About This Game If you liked Commander Keen or Duke Nukem, this game is just what you're looking for. Lots of great situations to overcome and traps to work around. This game has great puzzles which make it much more than a simple run-jump-and-shoot contest. Superb colorful graphics and scrolling levels. James Bond never had it so tough!FeaturesSneak and Scroll: Full-screen scrolling as you sneak across huge maps.Hide and Hunt: Enter various hideouts, each with traps to dodge, puzzles to collect and bad guys to blast.Save Your Game: Save and load your game progress. Controller Support: Partial Xbox 360 Controller support. 7aa9394dea Title: Secret AgentGenre: ActionDeveloper:3D Realms (Apogee Software)Publisher:3D Realms (Apogee Software)Release Date: 1 Feb, 1992 Secret Agent Download] [key] For some blast from the past platforming action from 1992 you can't go wrong with Secret Agent. You can expect to get about 7 hours of play time from the three episodes though I would advise buying this game on sale. Seriously, $5? When you beat an episode there's some text giving the phone number to call to order the rest of them (lol) and it says that each episode is $15 on its own in 1992 dollars. Secret Agent is 27 years old, it should seriously just be a buck, which is the aprox sale price and is well worth it.. I had this as a kid and picked it up for nostalgia. It doesn't really hold up for me. You end up playing through the exact same level over and over until you survive and can go on to the next one. This was fine with me in the 90s, but there are better games now.. 800MB+ download for a game that was sold on a 1.44MB floppy? What is all this stuff?. I loved this game in the early 90s and I'm glad to say it holds up really well.Secret Agent is a basic puzzle\/platformer that's all-around really solid. Your moveset is limited: You can run at one speed, jump, and shoot. Despite these limitations, the controls are very responsive and your protagonist is pretty easy to control. You can stop on a dime, even in mid-air. Your jump is also always the same height so you learn pretty quickly to recognize out-of reach ledges and collectibles.What really makes Secret Agent shine is its great design. The level design gets deviously trickier as you progress, pushing your mastery of the simple controls to its limits. The point in every level is the same: To escape by finding and blowing up an exit. To do that you'll usually need to find some dynamite, collect keys to unlock color-coded doors, find a floppy disk and use it in a PC to deactivate laser fields, and sometimes find glasses that make new platforms visible. Besides that, many levels have optional objectives to net you more points. The letters S, P and Y offer 100 points each, and en extra 10,000 points if you collect them in order. There are out-of-the-way satellite dishes you can destroy for 5K. There are hidden money bags you can trigger by jumping in certain areas. You get a 25K bonus for beating the level without getting hit. All of this adds a surprising amount of depth to the game. You can play it like an arcade twitch game and just try to find the quickest path to the exit, or you can try to maximize your score by thoroughly exploring the level and seeking out all its secrets. Should you risk taking a hit and missing out on the 25K bonus in order to backtrack to a satellite dish? Shoulld you use 5 bullets on a relatively easy-to-avoid enemy or save the bullets for a future stage where you might need them more?The graphics, though incredibly basic by today's standards, are absolutely packed with charm and awesome details. The background elements include a security cabinet with an animated view of a camera looking down a hallway, armories stacked with crates and various (decorative) weaponry, and even lived-in touches like pool tables and steaming coffee cups. The brick wall tilesets include convincing shadows when a ceiling light shines down on a floating platform. Everything looks very clean and recognizable and is pleasing to the eye. The sounds are sparse and, though limited to PC speaker, are still quite charming.It's certainly possible that my nostalgia for this game has influenced how I currently see it, but I think Secret Agent is a gem of a game. The level design is fantastic and filled with optional challenges. The controls are solid and responsive. The graphics are delightful. Recommended.. Classic platform arcade game.

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